Bedroom Curtains to Boost your Mood

June 27, 2019


Both your first view in the morning and your last, just before you turn out the lights for a good night’s rest. Taking up a significant area in your bedroom, curtains undeniably play a large role in the interior décor of your sleeping space; however, could bedroom curtains do more than contribute to the aesthetic effect of your room? Studies focussing on the links between colour and interior design with human psychology have found that the way your bedroom is furnished can have a significant influence on your moods. Your Monday blues may have less to do with you “waking up on the wrong side of bed” than they do with you waking up to the wrong bedroom atmosphere. No, this isn’t a fengshui piece. In this article, we summarise the findings from various scientific studies to help you find the most suitable type of bedroom curtains for you and your family.

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Genii / Collection (Discontinued)

Some people are early-risers, naturally feeling more refreshed and pumped for productivity in the mornings. The rest of us… really aren’t. In aan het Rot, Moskowitz and Young’s (2008) study, they found that exposure to bright light was closely associated with uplifted moods: people were more agreeable, less irritable and were generally in better moods throughout the day – the trio even suggest that exposure to bright lights could even help cure a seasonal phenomenon popularly known as “winter depression”. While most of South East Asia experience year-long summers without any dreary winter days in sight (for now, at least – the climate is changing), we might hope to give our mornings the mood-boost they deserve by allowing light to stream in gently to stir us from our slumber. The amount of light let into our bedrooms can vary greatly depending on the opacity of the bedroom curtains we choose to use – Acacia Fabrics’ extensive sheer collections like Jeopardy and Belga ensure sufficient privacy (no prying eyes) whilst also allowing enough light into your bedroom in the morning. 

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Outlander / Collection

On the other hand, in an increasingly globalized and urban society, sleeping while it is completely dark may not always be an option – although Carskadon (1986) suggests that quality sleep, which aids better moods and decision-making abilities, is facilitated by falling asleep while enveloped by sufficient darkness and silence. Hence, it is not only those whose work revolves around companies operating in different time zones but also light-sleepers easily stirred by scintillating street lamps and the hum of passing cars who will benefit from the installation of opaque bedroom curtains. Opaque curtains like those from our aptly named Sleep In Serenity and Sleep In Tranquil collections, are excellent insulators of light and sound, cocooning you with the recommended conditions for quality sleep.

Colours also play a role in affecting our sleep patterns – Warman et al. (2003) found that our internal biological clocks were more sensitive to shorter wavelengths of visible light: as such, violets, greens and blues are recommended tones for bedroom curtains. Jacobs and Suess (1975) have also linked these hues to promoting feelings of calmness and serenity – your bedroom should be your tranquil haven!

Our bedroom curtains affect us in more ways than we realise – Acacia Fabrics is there to help you choose the ones which suit your needs best!


  1. aan het Rot, M., Moskowitz, D.S. and Young, S.N., 2008. Exposure to bright light is associated with positive social interaction and good mood over short time periods: A naturalistic study in mildly seasonal people. Journal of psychiatric research42(4), pp.311-319
  3. Carskadon, M.A., 1986. Guidelines for the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT): a standard measure of sleepiness. Sleep9(4), pp.519-524.
  5. Warman, V.L., Dijk, D.J., Warman, G.R., Arendt, J. and Skene, D.J., 2003. Phase advancing human circadian rhythms with short wavelength light. Neuroscience letters342(1-2), pp.37-40.
  7. Jacobs, K.W. and Suess, J.F., 1975. Effects of four psychological primary colors on anxiety state. Perceptual and motor skills41(1), pp.207-210.

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