Upholstery Care And Cleaning Tips

December 11, 2018

by Gary Lian

Clean Spills or Dirt Right Away

If you accidentally spilled water or dropped food on the furniture, treat the affected area immediately. The longer a spot or spill go untreated, the more difficult it is to remove. It can also lead to permanent colour loss or damage to the fabric. Use a clean white damp cloth to dab as much spills from the fabric surface as possible, repeat the step until no more colour transfer to the cloth.

Acacia 1000x1000 Nolita

Nolita / Collection

Keep items away from direct sunlight

Furniture exposed to direct sunlight for long period may alter the colour of the furniture, and may cause damage to the internal structure of the item.

Acacia 1000x1000 Cairo

Cairo / Collection

Use the appropriate method to clean fabric

Pay close attention to the fabric cleaning instructions and codes, different fabric material require different method and the suitable cleaning agents used. If the wrong method or cleaning agent is used, it can cause damage, shrinkage, colour bleeding, browning and etc. If unsure, consult a cleaning professional to have it professionally cleaned.

Acacia 1000x1000 Casual

Casual / Collection

If fabric is wet cleanable (code “W”), use as little water as possible

Excessive moisture can cause extreme shrinkage, browning or damage even if it is wet cleanable.

Acacia 1000x1000 Lienz

Lienz / Collection

Care after cleaning

Do not use or sit on the cleaned items immediately. Wait until the item is fully dried up before using to avoid re-soiling.

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