The 3 Tips to Choosing A Fabric Supplier

September 19, 2018


We know choices can often be challenging, but as a retailer, you have the extra burden of providing carefully curated choices to your potential clients. Hence, when searching for a suitable fabric supplier, here are three simple things to keep in mind!

Acacia 1 1000x1000 Cairo

Cairo / Collection

1. Range

The first – and most important of which – is the range of products, textures, designs and colours that the supplier offers. Many times, the end-user may not consciously know their exact needs. While they may be aware that they are searching for a blue curtain for their living room, they may not know the precise detail they want on the curtain until they see it or feel it – it works to the advantage of the retailer if they are able to present the customer with a moment one can only describe as epiphanic, when you show them the perfect textile they didn’t know they needed.

Acacia 2 1000x1000 Cairo

Cairo / Collection

2. Reputation

But beyond the visual and tactile appeal that a supplier offers, it is advisable to consider if their products come with internationally recognised and respected certifications. Labels like Labo-Tex® and Oeko-Tex® show that that the fabric has undergone – and passed – rigorous textile analysis and testing methods which confirm its environmental safety and overall quality.

Acacia 3 1000x1000 Cairo

Cairo / Collection

3. Region

The final of the three merely serves to soothe a logistical nightmare. Rather than spending exorbitant amounts on shipping costs, find a supplier which, while close enough to you, gives you access to a myriad of international brands and designs. Let the supplier bring the fabrics to you!

With offices in Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Myanmar, Acacia Fabrics is never too far from you.


While this list is certainly not exhaustive, we hope it has helped you pick us as your preferred fabric supplier!

Looking for quality sofas with creative fabrics and easy maintenance? Find the nearest showroom at
If you are searching for the perfect curtain to express your personality at home, find our nearest boutiques at