Don't Curtail On Curtain Shopping

May 31, 2018


Sales. Bargains. Discounts. Sweet words to the savvy shopper's ear and a welcome salve to their prudent pocket. With the month of Syawal just round the corner, the time comes once again for new drapery to furnish the household. While gaudy red and yellow signs scream their welcome from across the mall with inviting price cuts, here are 3 reasons why moving away from the markdown-mentality toward a quality-mindset is a better deal for you.

Acacia 1520x2280 Gallery

Gallery / Collection


Raya is the time to bergaya (be trendy). Dressing to impress while hosting friends and family in your home isn’t limited to what you wear but instead extends to how you dress your home. New decorations, new upholstery and new curtains make chic statements to your household during this festive season. But wait – while visiting your second cousin twice removed, a horrible fact dawns upon you: their curtains look awfully familiar… in fact, they’re identical to the ones in your living room!

Sales tend to bring the crowds in, hence the probability that someone you know was curtain shopping in the same place during the same sale period and making the same purchase is definitely higher. To save yourself the awkwardness of a “Who Draped It Better” face-off and for a more pleasant shopping experience, visit showrooms during the off peak season when sales staff are able to devote more time and attention to your queries and perhaps point you to unique designs you may not have realised you needed!

Acacia 1520x2280 Museo

Museo / Collection


Multiple studies have shown that being in a relaxed environment (as opposed to the rushing thrill of the sale season) help people make better informed decisions and reduce the instance of impulse buying – as a consumer, you want to be happy with your purchase! While some sales are genuine, oftimes there are unannounced reasons to reduced-price items. Will the curtains you bought fade after the first wash? Will they fray and tear after several? Can they stand the test of time after being hit by UV Rays from the Sun every day?

It is important to keep in mind that you do get what you pay for – a slightly higher cost is a small price to pay for peace of mind knowing you have purchased curtains of top quality and prestige that have undergone rigorous laboratory testing for durability and have received recognised international certification.


Curtain shopping is a little different from buying groceries as the former remains an almost permanent fixture in your household. It would thus make sense never to compromise the feel, colour, quality and how they complement the overall interior of your home. Custom-made curtains tailored to the exact needs of the house ensure you don’t have to cough up more cash to replace them if you are unhappy with their length and how they drape. Rather than “guesstimating” the dimensions of your curtains, it is best to leave the measuring to the experts especially with Raya happening in less than a month – you cannot afford room for error!

All that being said however, more than the festivities and the shopping, the heart of Raya lies with the people it’s spent with. We, at Acacia, wish our Muslim friends a happy and prosperous Aidilfitri!

Acacia 1520x2280 Solitude

Solitude / Collection

Acacia 1520x2280 Westfield

Westfield / Collection

Looking for quality sofas with creative fabrics and easy maintenance? Find the nearest showroom at
If you are searching for the perfect curtain to express your personality at home, find our nearest boutiques at